Hainanese Hainan Chicken Rice 海南雞飯


Hainanese Chicken Rice is one of Asia’s staple comfort dishes. It has smooth skin, clean and a sweet taste that is served with chicken broth-boiled rice, cooked with ginger, garlic, shallot, galanga ginger and pandan leaf.

Hainanese Chicken Rice is not originally from Haninan. Singapore, Malaysia and Southeast Asian countries all claim that they have the most delicious and silky Hainanese poached chicken. They all have their own version of the chicken rice, but I love them all. Here is my version of Hainanese Chicken Rice.


Prep Time 45 minutes
Cook Time 2 hours
Course Main Course
Cuisine Asia, Chinese, Malaysia, Singapore
Servings 4


  • 電飯煲
  • 鑊/平底鑊


  • 3 lb 雞一隻
  • 4 C 四杯米 (沖洗並晾乾米)
  • 40 g 南薑片(切粗片)
  • 30 g 薑片
  • 40 g 乾蔥片(切粗片)
  • 10 cloves 蒜頭連衣
  • 6 pieces 斑蘭葉
  • 2+2 stalks 香茅
  • 1-2 T 黃薑粉
  • 2 T
  • 1 一煲水(足夠浸雞)
  • 白菜仔(洗淨,準備用來滾湯)


  • 1 pc 椰糖 (用薑磨磨碎糖,見圖)
  • 1 pc 指天椒切粒
  • 2 cloves 蒜蓉
  • 1 T 魚露
  • 2 T 白醋
  • 全部材料混合,靜止至少15分鐘


  • 1 Stalk 葱切粒(分開白色和綠色)
  • 10 g 薑(去皮磨薑蓉)
  • ½ t 鹽或魚露
  • 2-3 T 熱油 — 混合薑蓉及蔥白,加入大熱滾油,之後加入綠色部份的蔥,最後加入調味(鹽或魚露)

萬用豉油材料 A

  • C 豉油
  • C 老抽
  • 1¾-2 C
  • 2-3 t
  • 2 T 蠔油

萬用豉油材料 B

  • 5 Stalks 葱白
  • 1 pc 薑拍扁
  • 1 pc 乾葱
  • 1. 將全部醬料A攪拌均勻,備用 2. 熱鑊下油一湯匙,加入薑片炒至微微金黃,之後加乾蔥繼續炒,最後加蔥白 3. 加入水,煲滾煮兩三分鐘左右,加入豉油醬汁,中火煲滾,熄火,完成。



  • 洗淨雞,去除所有的內臟和肺部,切除雞屁股
  • 從雞尾附近的內部除去多餘的脂肪,待煮飯用
  • 確保雞頸有開口位,這樣熱水可容易地穿過雞腔。 在雞的內外擦鹽,醃15分鐘。
  • 燒一鍋水,在鍋中倒入兩根泰國南薑,黃姜粉和兩條香茅
  • 香茅切去並丟棄尾部(至少是香茅的1/3),然後將香茅的頭部切去,剩餘部份略𠝹開,這樣香芧可更容易散發出香味(如圖)如有雞腳,可加雞腳,別忘記剪腳甲。
  • 當水滾時,關火,握住雞頸,將雞放入滾水中10秒左右,然後將其取出。重複此步驟4至5次,然後將整隻雞浸入熱水中並蓋上蓋子,讓其在熱水中浸30分鐘。
  • 30分鐘後,開慢火至微滾,關火,讓雞再在熱水中浸20分鐘。
  • 小心地將雞取出,於室溫完全攤凍,如果有水從雞身上滴下來,則將其倒去。
  • 待雞完全冷卻後,可以將雞手撕或用中式菜刀斬件上碟。


  • 將湯煲至剩下一半左右。然後取出4杯湯做飯。
  • 在剩餘的湯中加入白菜仔,煮兩分鐘左右,試味,如果咸度不夠,可加鹽調味。(可以臨食飯前才煮白菜)


  • 沖洗並於筲箕上晾乾米約5-10 分鐘
  • 預熱鑊/平底鑊,加一些油和雞脂肪於鑊中,中火炒至雞油油釋出。
  • 將薑片,蔥片,2根香茅和蒜加入鑊中,繼續炒幾分鐘,直到聞到香氣為止。將米倒入鑊中,並繼續炒大約5至10分鐘,直到米乾身為止。這完全取決於米飯的濕潤/乾燥程度。
  • 取出所有姜,蔥,香茅和蒜。可用準備煮飯的四杯雞湯浸洗薑蒜等
  • 將米放入電飯鍋中,再將4杯雞湯加到電飯鍋中,加入半茶匙鹽攪勻,然後將所有生薑,蔥,香茅和蒜以及斑蘭葉放在米上。選擇煮飯模式,然後啟動電飯煲,飯煮好後,讓它在電飯煲中再靜置10分鐘,然後再食用。

How to chop a whole chicken

  • After poaching for almost an hour, let it sit in room temperature until it is completely cool down, then it can be cut and serve. Cut off the head and neck first
  • Cut from the top of the back side all the way down
  • Then cut thru the breasts
  • Chicken is in 2 halves
  • Cut off the wing
  • Cut off the drumstick
  • Cut the body in half (should separate the breast and thigh after this cut)
  • Cut each part into smaller pieces
  • Cut in between the wing and little drumstick
  • On the second side of the chicken, cut the spine off
  • Then repeat the same steps like the first half
  • Place half of a chicken with rice on a plate and serve with sauces and soup


3.煮飯時,確保薑,乾蔥,蒜等未有沾上生米, 可用準備煮飯的四杯雞湯浸洗薑蒜等,(如圖)否則米將不能被煮熟,所有米都應該放在湯裡。
6. 確保雞頸有開口位,這樣熱水可容易地穿過雞腔。 
7. 可以的話,購買中式市場的黃毛雞、嘉美雞、龍崗雞…etc 
Keyword chicken, Chili, garlic, lemon grass, pandan, rice, tumeric
1 pc Palm Sugar about 15g (grate sugar with grater) 椰糖 (用薑磨磨碎糖)
Green Onion (diced, separate white and green part) 葱切粒(分開白色和綠色)Ginger (remove skin and grate) 薑(去皮磨薑蓉)

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