Water Chestnut Cake, Gao – Chinese New Year Snake


馬蹄糕(gao), Water chestnut cake, another traditional Chinese New Year food. Gao means cake, it sounds the same as 高 meaning high or tall. Gao symbolizes in higher income, a higher position, growth of children and a better year.

For this recipe, I use the dark brown cane sugar because it has a unique taste and provides more depth and layer to the flavor. Here is the recipe both in English and 中文

馬蹄糕 (gao) Waterchestnut Cake Recipe


250g 馬蹄粉

750ml 水

500g 新鮮馬蹄

200-250g 冰糖 (可以自己調校甜度)

200g 黑蔗糖750-800ml 水 (視乎自己喜愛的軟硬程度)


1. 將馬蹄粉與750 ml水混合,攪拌至馬蹄粉溶解,待用

2. 洗乾淨馬蹄去皮、切片,待用

3. 將冰糖、黑蔗糖及750-800ml 水細火加熱,期間攪拌糖水,待糖完全溶掉調教最細火

4. 慢慢將馬蹄粉水逐少加入糖水,期間不停攪拌,直至馬蹄粉糖水開始少許杰身,狀態好像比較稀的花生糊一樣, 便可以熄火

5. 加入切好的馬蹄,攪勻

6. 倒入已掃油的蒸盤上,包上錫紙以防倒汗水,水滾蒸約30至45分鐘,視乎馬蹄糕厚薄, 馬蹄糕變得透明即是代表蒸好,或用牙籤插入馬蹄糕,牙籤乾淨便可

7. 待馬蹄糕冷卻後放入雪櫃一晚 (如果想保持晶凝通透,就放室溫,避免雪藏)

8. 可以凍食或切一塊塊煎來食


250g water chestnut starch

750ml water

500 g fresh water chestnut

200-250g Rock Sugar (depends on how sweet you prefer)

200g dark brown cane slab sugar

750-800ml water (depends on how soft you prefer)


1. Mix water chestnut starch with 750ml water, mix well, set aside

2. Wash and peel water chestnut, cut into thin slices

3. Melt sugar in 750-800ml water with medium low heat, stir occasionally.

4. When sugar is all melted, turn fire to low heat and pour in water chestnut starch water little by little and keep stirring until the mixture starts thicken. We are looking for a thin cream soup consistency, then turn off fire.

5. Add water chestnut slices into mixture, mix well

6. Boil some water for steaming. Pour the mixture into an oiled pan/container, steam for 30-45 minutes depends on the thickness of the cake. Cover the pan with tin foil to avoid water dripping. When it becomes transparent, it is ready. Or test it with a toothpick, if the toothpick comes out clean, that means it is ready

7. Let it cool down and put it in fridge for overnight. Want to keep it translucent, keep it at room temperature.

8. You may enjoy it cold or cut them into slices and pan fry them to a little golden and serve

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